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C programming Language has been started . (C language course.)

1st Lecture.
1st Lesson.

How to install Code Blocks.

1. Go to any web browser and search "Code Blocks" and click on code blocks official website or Click on this link:-  .

2. Click on download button.

3. Click on 1st link which is "Download the binary release" or click on

4. Then choose your Operating system .

I am going to install Code blocks in Windows operating system.

5. Then click on "
6. You have to Download only "codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup.exe " This .exe file .

7. Then you have to install it on your PC..

After installation 
I learned how to make basic calculator using variables.

1. Open the code block application.
2. Then click on " Create a New Project"
3. Then select console application and click on "Go" button.
4. Then click on Next button
5. Then choose compiler in which you want to write a program.
like :- C/C++
6. After choosing compiler ( I choose C)
click on next button.
7. Then give there Project  title. Like :- 1st app of AGLi Technology.
8. Then choose folder where you want to save the project.
9. Then click on next button.
Then click on Finish Button.

First Program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

Thanks for visiting.

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